Academic rank: 
Applied Statistics
School of Economics
College of Business and Economics(CBE)
Educational Background: 
• Deutsche Gesellschaftfür Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, German Development Cooperation under Economic Policy Research Network (EPRN) and University of Rwanda_ College of Business and Economics, Applied Quantitative Economics Preparation for a Doctorate (AQEPD), 2016 – 2017. • MSc, University of Rwanda (CST), Master of Science in Applied Mathematics (Statistical Modeling & Actuarial Sciences), Huye. • University of Rwanda, College of Education, Faculty of Foundation & Curriculum development, Post Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. • University of Rwanda, Bachelor Degree of Science in Applied Mathematics, Huye. • Ecole des Sciences de Musanze, Option : Mathematics – Physics, Musanze.
Research Interests and area of expertise : 
Data Science - Econometrics, Modelling Markets – Investment - Development, Actuarial Science, Empirical Health Research, Applied Statistics and Mathematics, Energy Finance and Economy, ICT-Applications: Play Based Learning and Inclusiveness.

1. Finding local optima for costly objective functions (using Radial Basis Functions), Jean Bosco Ndikubwimana1, Nils Hassan Quitthneh2, East African Journal of Science and Technology (EAJST), Vol.6 issue1, 2016, ISSN 2227-1902.

2. Comparative study on field capacity and specific fuel consumption of three different models of tractors, *Deepak Das1*, M. Sankaranarayanan2, Iyakaremye Jean De Dieu3 and Ndikubwimana Jean Bosco4, East African Journal of Science and Technology (EAJST), ISSN 2227-1902, Volume 6, issue2, 2016.

3. Prediction of electric energy consumption in small scale farming systems of Rwanda, Jean de Dieu Iyakaremye1, Leonce Harerimana2, Deepak Das3Ndikubwimana Jean Bosco4 and François Mugwaneza5,East African Journal of Science and Technology (EAJST), ISSN 2227-1902, Volume 7, Issue 1, 2017.

4. Evaluating the efficiency of improved firewood stove for rural households of Rwanda, Jean de Dieu Iyakaremye1, Leonce Harerimana2, Deepak Das3Ndikubwimana Jean Bosco4 and François Mugwaneza5, East African Journal of Science and Technology, (EAJST), ISSN 2227-1902, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2017.

5. Impact of Access to Financial Services on Business Development in Rwanda, Charles Mulindabigwi Ruhara1, Pelly Umurungi1, Sylvia Kazarwa1, Charles Kayitana1, Angelique Dukunde1,2 and Jean Bosco Ndikubwimana1, UoK Scientific Journal ISSN 2522.6703, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2018

6.  Innovation and Performance in the Rwandese Manufacturing Industry. A Firm’s Level Empirical Analysis, Etienne Ndemezo1, Charles Kayitana1, Angelique Dukunde1,2 and Jean Bosco Ndikubwimana1, UoK Scientific Journal ISSN 2522.6703, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2018.

7. The Contribution of Life Insurance Companies to The Gross Domestic Product in Rwanda. A Case of SORAS-VIE LTD (2010 – 2017), Angelique DUKUNDE and Ciccy NALUBEGA Jean Bosco SIBOMANA , Jean Bosco NDIKUBWIMANA, East African Journal of Science and Technology (EAJST), 11(1), P.110–120, EAJST (Online Version)_UNILAK.

8. Analysis of the Factors Causing the Persistence of Street Vending in the City of Kigali, Rwanda, Philippe Ndikubwimana. Jean Bosco Ndikubwimana, Pascal Nyiringango, Alice Mukasekuru, Edward Byabagamba, East African Journal of Science and Technology (EAJST),10(2), P. 85-102, EAJST (Online Version)

9.  Determinants of Non-Performing Loans in Rwanda, an Econometric Approach: 1999-2015, Mpiranya JMV,  Jean Bosco Ndikubwimana, Niyigena Aime Bruno, Habyarimana Cyprien, Mpabara Frederick, Mukasekuru Alice; EASTERN AFRICA BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC WATCH 4th ANNUAL CONFERENCE 12th to 14th June 2019, 4(1), University of Rwanda (UR).

10. The Effect of Cash Conversion Cycle to the Financial Performance of a World Class Beverage Company in Rwanda, Case of BRALIRWA part of the HEINEKEN Company: 2010-2016, Misago Isaie Kadhafi Iracyadukunda Violette, Nalubega Cissy, Mukasekuru Alice, Ndikubwimana Jean Bosco, Mwiza Yvette; EASTERN AFRICA BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC WATCH 4th ANNUAL CONFERENCE 12th to 14th June 2019, 4(1).

11. Determinants of Productivity of Rwandese Food and Beverage Processing Sector: Do Tax Incentives Matter?, Etienne Ndemezo, Jean Bosco Ndikubwimana, 2020: Rwandan Economy at the Crossroads of Development, p. 217-230, Springer, Singapore.

Professional Achievements: 
Lecturer of Applied Statistics at the College of Business and Economics, University of Rwanda since 2015 to date, Director of Research and Development at BSA Group Ltd since 2016 to 2019, Senior Statistician in Mackenzie (R) Ltd since 2017 to 2020; Examiner, modulator and marker at Institute of Certified of Public Accounting in Rwanda (ICPAR) since 2015 to date, Different Individual Assignment as Consultant such as Sensitivity Analysis in LVEMP II, Capital Market And Economic Growth in Rwanda; Good command in designing questionnaires, Data collection, entry, analysis and dissemination, Technical Actuary and Advisory on Insurance Services since 2015. Technology awareness and computer skills including proficiency in: Microsoft Excel, word, power point, and access, Matlab, GIS & Remote Sensing and GPs, Statistical Package for Social Sciences software (SPSS, STATA, SAS, RATS, MINITAB, Eviews), R studio, and Machine Learning.
Personal Statement: 
Jean Bosco NDIKUBWIMANA is a Lecturer of Applied Statistics, School of Economics, College of Business and Economics in the University of Rwanda. Prior to his appointment, Jean Bosco served as Assistant Lecturer in the same department. Before joining UR, he also worked as Assistant Lecturer in the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management at the University of Lays Adventists of Kigali, and Secondary Teacher at College du Christ Roi de Nyanza – MINEDUC/Rwanda. He graduated from the University of Rwanda with a Master’s Degree in Statistical Modeling and Actuarial Science. Jean Bosco has a postgraduate certificates in teaching and learning at higher education, and Applied Quantitative Economics. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Mathematics from the School of Science, University of Rwanda, and Advanced High School certificate in Mathematics and Physics at Ecole des Sciences de Musanze.