Mucyo Annet

Academic rank: 
Assistant Lecturer
Marketing and HRM
School of Business
College of Business and Economics(CBE)
Educational Background: 
Present position: Assistant Lecturer 12. Years Worked in the Field: Over 10 years of experience in academics and Research Implementation, Monitoring and of projects. 13. Key qualifications: i. Business Advisory and development projects: including training and extension, participatory approaches to project cycle management and participatory research overseas. ii. Planning and conduct of formal and non-formal training programmes including: training of trainers and extension workers; communication/facilitation skills; participatory rural appraisal; gender and development; project investment; iii. Consultancy experience in: Having completed different project in Rwanda, Kenya and Uganda. The projects involved in designing and agri-business innovation system and baseline studies, Social-economic assessments studies, A detailed study on Bugesera Tannery Park and Nyagatare meat processing Plant, Farmer Cooperatives financial analysis
Research Interests and area of expertise : 
Marketung and Enterprenuership