Dr Benjamin Mudaheranwa

Academic rank: 
Banking and Insurance
School of Business
College of Business and Economics(CBE)
Educational Background: 
Dr. Benjamin Mudaheranwa, Ph.D , is a distinguished author, Career Coach, Entrepreneur, Business Coach, and founder of the Business Training Center and MenteMe school , holds a Ph.D. in Business Management and an MBA , and he is working as Lecturer and business coach at a college of business and economics ,school of business ,university of Rwanda . Alongside with academic achievements, he is a Certified Master Trainer and an Expert in Sales and Marketing and during the previous year, he has trained trained 5000+ Entrepreneurs in the last 7 years to grow as leaders in their Careers and attract more right customers to their businesses.
Research Interests and area of expertise : 
Business Management

1.  Mudaheranwa, B. et al., (2014). Analytical Study of management skills for peak Performance in organization. International Journal of Innovative Research &   Development, Vol 3 Issue 10, October 2014, ISSN 2278 – 0211 (Online). http://www.ijird.com/index.php/ijird/issue/view/4503.

2.     Mudaheranwa, B. et al. (2014). Corporate Social Responsibility as tool of Strategic advertising in Telecommunication Companies of Rwanda: Journal of basic and applied Engineering Research (JBAER), Volume (1), Number 8 (2014), pp.41-45, 2014. ISSN: 2350-0077; Online ISSN: 2350-0255; Volume 1, Number 8; October, 2014 pp. 41-45 © Krishi Sanskriti Publications http://www.krishisanskriti.org/jbaer.html. 

3.     Vincent K., Sakshi S.,Mudaheranwa B., and Anil,C.(2014). Who Owns Indian Companies? A Decade of Shareholding Patterns of Automobile and It Industry. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) Volume 16, Issue 10.Ver. III (Oct. 2014), PP 51-60 http://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jbm/pages/. 

4.     Vincent K,. Mudaheranwa B,. Sakshi S.(2014).Board Structures in India, Evidence from Automobile and IT Companies: International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations ISSN 2348-7585 (Online) Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp: (55-63), Month: October 2014 March2015,Available atwww.researchpublish.com. http://researchpublish.com/journal/IJMCI/Issue-2-October-2014-March-2015/0
5.     Vincent K., Mudaheranwa, B. (2015). Predictive power of net profit on share returns: International Journal of scientific research and management (IJSRM). Volume 3 Issue 3, pages 2226-22319(2015). ISSN (Online):2321-3418. https://www.academia.edu/11881957/Predictive_Power_of_Net_Profit_On_Shar...

6.     Vincent, K,. Mudaheranwa ,B,.Maniriho E,.(2015).Convergence of corporate governance  in India: A fallacy or Reality : International Journal of Recent Scientific Research,6(2)pp. 2725-2731, February2015 .www.recentscientific.com.

7.   Benjamin, M. and Deepak, B. (2017). Think like a global C.E.O: The permanent road to success in life, career & business. Publisher: Alpha Editions (February 8, 2017), Publication Date: February 1, 2017. ISBN-10: 938636784X, ISBN-13: 978-9386367846 https://www.amazon.com/Think- Like-Global-CEO-Permanent/dp/938636784X. 
8.  Vincent K., Mudaheranwa ,B. (2015).Impact of board structures on shareholders Returns: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 4 Issue 3, March 2015. ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2013): 4.438. www.ijsr.net
9.   Mudaheranwa, B. et al. (2019). Television advertising strategy and customer loyalty in Insurance Sector in Rwanda: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD).  Volume-3 , Issue-4, May 2019, pp.98-102, ISSN: 2456-6470. Available Online: https://www.ijtsrd.com/management/marketing-management/23601/television-....

10. Habinshuti, P., Mudaheranwa, B., Habimana, T., Mutambuka, D., Nacyanzi, M. (2019). The Assessment of Vocational Training, Monitoring & Evaluation as the Main Determinants of Job Creation and Projects Sustainability: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD). Volume: 3 | Issue: 3 | Mar-Apr 2019. Impact Factor :5.125. Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470. https://www.ijtsrd.com/humanities-and-the-arts/education/23600/the-asses....

11.   Habimana, T , Habinshuti, P., Mudaheranwa, B.,., Mutambuka, D.(2018).The Effect of External Economic Factors on Return on Average Equity on the Selected Rwandan Commercial Banks: Using Panel Data Regression Model: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 , Issue-1, December 2018, pp.1336-1348, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd20237.pdf

12.   Mudaheranwa, B. et al. (2014). Role of Leadership in creating trust in organization for peak performance: International Journal of business management and leadership, ISSN: 2231-122X Volume 5, Number 3 (2014) pp 355-362.

13. Mudaheranwa, B. et al. (2014). Contributions of customer care management on performance of the Banking sector in Haryana State (India): International Journal of Management and International Business Studies. ISSN 2277-3177 Volume4, Number 1 (2014), pp. 117-122 © Research India Publications http://www.ripublication.com.

14.   Mudaheranwa, B. et al. (2015). Factors Influencing Choice Of Service Providers By Users: A Case Study Of Telecommunication Companies Of Rwanda: International Journal of Advance Research, IJOAR .org , Volume 3, Issue 2, February 2015, Online: ISSN 2320- www.ijoar.org/.../factors-influencing-choice-of-service-providers-b.

15.   Vincent K,. Mudaheranwa B,. John E.(2015). Nexus between ownership structures and shareholders’ wealth: International journal of multidisciplinary research development. Vol 2 Issue 4, pages 226-231 April 2015, ISSN 2349-5979 impact Factor 3.762 (Online). ww.academia.edu/.../Nexus_between_ownership_structures_and_shareholders_wealt

16.   Vincent, K,. Mudaheranwa ,B,.Maniriho E,.(2015).Convergence of corporate governance  in India: A fallacy or Reality : International Journal of Recent Scientific Research,6(2)pp. 2725-2731, February2015 .www.recentscientific.com.

17.   Mudaheranwa, B. et al. (2014). Corporate Social Responsibility as tool of Strategic advertising in Telecommunication Companies of Rwanda: Journal of basic and applied Engineering Research (JBAER), Volume (1), Number 8 (2014), pp.41-45, 2014. ISSN: 2350-0077; Online ISSN: 2350-0255; Volume 1, Number 8; October, 2014 pp. 41-45 © Krishi Sanskriti Publications http://www.krishisanskriti.org/jbaer.html.
18.   Mudaheranwa, B. et al. (2014). Contributions of customer care management on performance of the Banking sector in Haryana State (India): International Journal of Management and International Business Studies. ISSN 2277-3177 Volume4, Number 1 (2014), pp. 117-122 © Research India Publications http://www.ripublication.com.

19.   Mudaheranwa, B. et al. (2015). Debate on Mandatory Corporate Social Responsibility’: Conference paper presented at National Seminar on Strategies for Business Excellence in Global Era, Haryana State, India on 21 st March 2015, Victorious Publishers (India) , First edition .

20.   Mudaheranwa, B. et al. (2014). A Study of Job Stress In Teaching Staff Of Secondary Schools At Gisagara District Southern Province of Rwanda” International Journal of Business management and leadership ,volume (5), Number 3(2014 ),pp519-526 .

21.   Mudaheranwa, B. et al. (2015). INFLATION ACCOUNTING: MORE QUESTIONS THAN ANSWERS: International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering IJMIE, March 2015, Volume 5,Issue 3,5(3),pp150- 164 . http://www.ijmra.us

22.   Vincent K., Mudaheranwa, B. (2015). Conservatism analysis on Indian Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and International Financial Reporting (IFRS)” International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development vol,2(5),pg  8-15,2015.

23.   Mudaheranwa, B. et al. (2015). Motivation Strategies on Performance of The Employees in Banking Sector of Rwanda. Business sciences International Research Journal, vol2(1),pp,373-377 , 2014.

24.   Dr. Alone. K, Mudaheranwa B and Beatrice Mugabirwe (2019). Evaluating the Readiness to Implement an E-Learning Technology to Support Education. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) Volume 3 Issue 5, August 2019 AvailableOnline:www.ijtsrd.come-ISSN:2456–6470 .  https://doi.org/10.31142/ijtsrd28023