Aline Mutabazi

Academic rank: 
School of Economics
College of Business and Economics(CBE)
(+250) 788 524404
Educational Background: 
• PhD Student in Economics at University of Rwanda in collaboration with Gothenburg University in Sweden. Expected completion period: December 2025. • MSc in Economics of Development from International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Erasmus University, The Netherlands (September2008- December 2009) • Bachelor’s Degree in Management from National University of Rwanda (1995-2000)
Research Interests and area of expertise : 
Challenges for Sustainable development; Behavior Economics.

•    Mukamana,L., Uwihangana, C., Byukusenge, E., Mutabazi, A., Kayabo, C. &Umuhoza, S.M. (2023). Ubuntu Philosophy for Socio-Economic Integration of Female Sex Workers in the Rwandan Community. In B. Mayaka, C. Uwihangana, A.D.V Brenda (Eds), The Ubuntu Practitioner: Social Work Perspectives (pp.296-320). International Federation of Social Workers. ISBN: 978-3-906820-29-3 (PDF).
•    Rwanyiziri, G., Uwiragiye, A., Tuyishimire, J., Mugabowindekwe, M., Mutabazi, A., Hategekimana, S., Mugisha, J., (2019) ‘Assessing the Impact of Climate Change and Variability on Wetland Maize Production and the Implication on Food Security in the Highlands and Central Plateaus of Rwanda.Ghana Journal of Geography Vol. 11(2), 77- 102.
•    Ruranga, C., Mugenzi, M., Mutabazi, A., (2018) ‘Spatial price transmission analysis in beans and rice markerts of Rwanda’. In Rwanda Handbook of Economic and Social Policy, Chapter 13, Vol. 1, Pages 397- 419, ISSN 1403-0462, ISBN 978-91-86345-78-5.
•    Ruranga, C., Mutabazi, A., (2015), ‘‘Food Prices Transmission in Rwanda: Econometric Analysis’’. Rwanda Journal, Series B: Social Sciences, Volume 2 No 1, (19-29).
•    Mutabazi, A., (2011), ‘‘Land Redistribution in Rwanda: The Impact on Household Food Security’’. Rwanda Journal Volume (22). Series B, 2011: Social Sciences. (129-156). 


Professional Achievements: 
• Sida PhD Scholarship (2022-2025). Funds for data collection for the research: Household's Behavior in Sorting Solid Waste in Sub-Saharan Africa: Experimental evidence from Rwanda. • Sida Research Grant (2022-2024). Investigating the mechanisms through which the alcohol industry’s growth influences alcohol addiction in developing countries. • Sida Research Grant (2021-2023). Financial education approach for coping with female prostitution in Rwanda. • World Bank – ASARECA Research Grant (2012-2013): Co- lead of the project on ‘Enhancing Capacities in Food Price Forecasting and Policy analysis in Eastern Africa. This project has partnered with the EU-AGMEMOD. • World Bank- ASARECA Research Grant (2011-2012: “Food Price Trends Analysis and Policy Options for enhancing food security in Eastern Africa. This project was conducted in partnership with 7 organisations named: Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF), National University of Rwanda (NUR), Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) Uganda, University of Nairobi (UoN), Ethiopia Development Research Institute (EDRI), Eastern Africa Grain Council (EAGC), International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) Kenya. (2011-2012).
Personal Statement: 
Prior positions include Academic Secretary of the Department of Economics at the University of Rwanda, and Administrative Assistant positions in the Faculty of Law and the Computer Center at the National University of Rwanda.