Dr. Dieudonne Ndaruhuye Muhoza

Academic rank: 
Senior Lecturer
Educational Background: 
Dr. Dieudonne N. Muhoza is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Applied Statistics, School of Economics, College of Business and Economics at the University of Rwanda. He held numerous previous administrative positions including the Head of Department of Applied Statistics and Director of the Department of Registration. He holds a PhD Degree in Demography from the University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. Alternate E-mail : rugenda@yahoo.fr
Research Interests and area of expertise : 
Interrelationships population growth, economic development and culture.

During his academic career, Dr Dieudonne N. Muhoza has conducted much research from which he produced various scientific articles, official reports, and seminar or workshop reports in Rwanda as well as at international audience. Scientific articles include :

Muhoza N. Dieudonne, “Regional Variations of Contraceptive Use in Rwanda.” Journal of Population and Social Studies, (under Review)
Muhoza N. Dieudonne, A. Broekhuis, Pieter Hooimeijer. “Variations in Desired Family Size and Excess fertility in East Africa”, International Journal of Population Research, Volume 2014, Article ID 486079.
Muhoza N. Dieudonne, P. C. Rutayisire, A. Umubyeyi. 2016. “Measuring the Success of Family Planning Initiatives in Rwanda : A Multivariate Decomposition Analysis”, Journal of Population Research, doi : 10.1007/s12546-016-9177-9.
Muhoza N. Dieudonne, A. Broekhuis, Pieter Hooimeijer. 2015. “Demand and unmet need to space births in Rwanda : A Two Step Analysis of Determinants”, Journal of Population and Social Studies, 22 (2).
Muhoza N. D, A. Broekhuis, & P. Hooimeijer. (2015). Geboortedaling in Rwanda : voorbeeld voor Sub-Saharisch Afrika ? (Fertility Decline in Rwanda : an example in Sub-Sahara Africa). Demos. Jaargang 31, Juni 2015. http://www.nidi.nl/nl/demos/2015/demos-2015-06
Winter, R., T. Pullum, A. Langston, V. M. Ndicunguye, P. C. Rutayisire, D. N. Muhoza, and S. Hakiba. 2014. Trends in Neonatal Mortality in Rwanda, 2000-2010. DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 88. Calverton, Maryland, USA : ICF International.
Muhoza N. Dieudionne, P. Hoimeijer. 2009. “Demand and unmet need for means of family limitation in Rwanda”, International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 35 (3) 122-130.
Muhoza N. Dieudonne. 2014 Excess Fertility and Family Planning in Rwanda. PhD-Dissertation, Faculty of Geo-Sciences, Utrecht University, The Netherlands.
Byanafashe Deo, E. Twarabamenye, Muhoza N. Dieudonne, and P.C. Rutayisre. 2005. Geo-Demographic Atlas of Rwanda. Kigali. Rwanda.