UR Hosts the 2021 International Social Work Conference

#MURANGWA Darius 24-11-2021

The University of Rwanda jointly with Rwanda National Organization of Social Workers (RWA-NOSW) in collaboration with IFSW and Hope and Homes for Children Rwanda organized an International Conference on Social Work. The Conference is held at UR Gikondo from 23rd up to 26th November 2021 under the theme : “Towards Ubuntu and Sustainable Development : Social Work position in achieving SDGs”.

Participants in the conference

In his welcoming remarks, Dr. Alphonse Muleefu, the principal of the UR College of Arts and Social Sciences (UR CASS) representing the UR Vice Chancellor emphasized the role of social workers in the socio transformation process of Rwanda in the aftermaths of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

The Conference was officially opened by Ms. Nyinawagaga Claudine, Director general of Local Administrative Entities Development Agency (LODA) who was also the Guest of Honor. In her address to the participants, she highlighted the social workers’ role in their efforts and contribution to socio-economic development after the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Opening remarks by Ms Nyinawagaga Claudine,

“This Conference is critical as it comes at the right time of the implementation of the SDGS. The main theme of this Conference serves as an opportunity for students, educators, researchers, practitioners, policy makers and partners to learn from each other and share experience on social work. We expect a lot from you in contributing to the 5th to 7th SDGs,” she said.

The Conference brought together researchers from different professions including social work practitioners, academics, key decision makers and service users to demonstrate social work contribution to the future of Africa as well as sharing their practice stories.

Conference Flyer