Dr Peter Mtika

Dr Peter Mtika is a Reader (Associate Professor)in Education at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, United Kingdom. He initially joined the University of Aberdeen in 2008 as a postdoctoral research fellow. He was promoted to the position of lecturer in education in 2012. He was further promoted to senior lecturer in 2018 and subsequently to a Reader in 2022. Before joining the University of Aberdeen, Dr Mtika worked for the University of Malawi as a staff associate and lecturer.Dr Mtika studied for a PhD at the University of Nottingham - UK (2008); Master of Arts in International Education at the University of Sussex - UK (2003); and Bachelor of Education at the University of Malawi(2000). 

Dr Mtika’steaching and research centre around sustainable development in connection with teacher education, teaching, and international education and development. His work is underpinned by a pursuit of equity, inclusion, and social justice. He has conducted research extensively focusing on teacher motivation, teaching practicum, partnerships between teacher education institutions and schools, student teacher mentoring, and teacher self-efficacy beliefs in relation to inclusive education and, teaching and teacher preparation in the context of poverty and geographical disadvantage. For the past seven years, Dr Mtika’s research and capacity development has focused on translating and implementing a social practice approach to adult literacies education in Rwanda.

Dr Mtika’sresearch spans Scotland and internationally, including several low-and lower-middle income countries (LMICs), such as Malawi, Cambodia, Rwanda, Ghana. He has recently initiated new international research collaborations in Tanzania and Togo.Methodologically, Dr Mtika excels in qualitative and mixed methods design, bringing rigour to his research undertakings. Dr Mtika's teaching and research contributions reflect a commitment to addressing educational challenges globally.

He has published his research in several high impact international journals and his research papers are widely cited. Dr Mtika’sORCID profile can be found on https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6017-4617. His google scholar profile is available at https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=hLNZBIIAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=sra.