Payment Modalities

Bank Details

Account number: 100009174812

Bank Name: Bank of Kigali

Account name: UR- College of Education Internal Revenue

Currency: Rwandan francs

Swift code: BKIGRWRWXX

Payment Details

Category Payment Period Deadline Internationals East Africans Rwandans
Participants Early bird 20/03/2025 $100 $80 80,000 RWF
Regular 20/04/2025 $105 $85 85,000 RWF
Late 15/04/2025 $110 $90 90,000 RWF
Onsite 28/05/2025 $115 $100 95,000 RWF
Students Early bird 20/03/2025 $50 $40 40,000 RWF
Regular 20/04/2025 $55 $45 45,000 RWF
Late 15/04/2025 $60 $50 50,000 RWF
Onsite 28/05/2025 $65 $55 55,000 RWF

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