Prof Lizzi Milligan

Professor Lizzi Milligan is a Professor in the Department of Education, Centre for Development Studies, University of Bath.

My research focuses on issues of social and epistemic justice and educational quality in low income countries. I particularly explore the disjuncture between policies, such as those related to language of learning and teaching, and practice and the impact this has on inequalities in learning experiences and outcomes. I advocate the use of mixed-methods approaches to enable greater understanding of the impact of policies for teachers, learners and parents in school and community settings. I also have a strong interest in cross-cultural research, particularly regarding researcher positioning and ethics. In my current research, I am exploring collaboratively: 

  • The relationship between environmental, epistemic and transitional justice in secondary schooling in Peru, Nepal and Uganda (funded by a GCRF ESRC research grant);
  • Creative approaches to teaching about difficult pasts, framed by ideas of education, justice and memory (funded by an AHRC GCRF Network plus award, led by Dr Julia Paulson at University of Bristol).

Recent research includes girls' educational experiences and outcomes in English Medium Rwandan basic education (funded by an ESRC new investigator award); multilingual learners' strategies in English medium schools in Cameroon; learning about recent conflict and peace in Uganda Museum's travelling exhibition of Northern Uganda; and the potential for language supportive learning in English Medium classrooms in Rwanda. 

I am on the executive committee of UKFIET and I have previously been on the editorial board of the journal Compare and a member of the executive committee for the British Association for International and Comparative Education (BAICE).