A STEMpower Centre launched to boost science awareness in Rwanda

#MURANGWA Darius 09-05-2021

The University of Rwanda College of Science and Technology witnessed the official launch of STEMpower Centre. The Centre will strengthen Mathematics and science education by introducing hands on enrichment program in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics disciplines for pre University youth.

This virtual lab will be used for training STEM students in high schools

According to Prof Alexandre Lyambabaje, the University of Rwanda Vice Chancellor, STEMpower Centre emphasizes hands-on practicality, creativity, and skill-building. He added that the Centre encourages youngsters to engineer their way out of poverty by strengthening their country’s technical workforce.

“We cherish our common objective to train the labour force of our Country, the region and of entire Africa and beyond,” said Prof Lyambabaje.

Among notable participants in the event was Ms. Kidist Geberamlak who is the CEO of STEMpower Inc. based in Ethiopia. She noted that the aim of the Centre is to empower aspirant scientists by providing tools and skills that will help them to learn science by doing it which will ultimately lead to innovative projects.

The launch was presided over by the Minister of State in Charge of Primary and Secondary Education Hon. Gaspard Twagirayezu. He stated that STEMpower is one of the solutions to allow learning in the most accessible and equitable ways. According to him, the centre opens doors to young people who want to experiment, learn and create solutions using technology.

Hon. Gaspard Twagirayezu presided over the inauguration of the Centre

“It is important that the centre be accessible and champions practices that allow students to imagine and foster creativity,” Twagirayezu said.

The STEMPower Center has started with two basic labs namely visual computing and electronic labs. The virtual lab is equipped with 30 monitors connected to one server. All equipment and infrastructures are available in the lab and ready to be used.

Dr Ignace Gatare, the Principal of the College of Science and Technology noted the College is drawing a plan whereby each high school will be coming at the Centre on rotational basis. He said that the move is a flagship for community outreach which will enable high school students to stimulate their interest in STEM as an engine of transformation.