University of Rwanda
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- Policies & Guidelines
Academic Guidelines
Academic Integrity plagiarism control and scientific writing
Academic staff development guidelines
Blended Learning Module dvpt
E-Learning platform student guide
Guideline on Peer Review of Teaching
Guidelines and Regulations on Bridging Courses
Guidelines for academic programme validation and approval process
Guidelines on Academic Associates
Guidelines on Graduate Awards and Prizes
Guidelines on Project-Based Learning Approach
Guidelines on Setting Examination Papers-Formative Assessment Techniques and Summative Examination Blueprints
Guidelines on teaching portofolio and assessment criteria
Guidelines on the 3rd Trimester for students in 4 and 5 Years Degree Programmes
Guidelines involvement of postgraduate students in Research and teaching
Quality Assurance guidelines on disability and other special needs for higher education in East Africa
Supervisor agreement
University of Rwanda workload framework
UR code of practice on setting and moderating examination papers
UR guidelines for internal management of examinations papers
UR Guidelines for recruitment and management of tutorial assistant
UR Guidelines for the award of the honorary doctoral degrees
UR Guidelines on assessment, examination moderation & conflict prevention
Academic Policies & Regulations
Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline
Framework and regulations for higher degrees by coursework and dissertations thesis
General academic regulations for open and distance learning programmes
Open access policy_and procedures
Policy and procedures for honorary appointments
Policy on inaugural lectures
Policy& Guidelines on Inclusive Learning & Teaching services
Procedures for scholarships awards policy
Regulations for preparation and conducting of university written examinations
Revised academic promotion policy
Revised UR General Academc Regulations for Undegraduate Studies_November 2018
UR Policy and procedures for honorary appointments
UR Research and Innovation Policy
Revised General Academic Regulations for Postgraduate Studies
General Policies & Guidelines
Anti-corruption policy
Asset management policy
Guidelines and procedures on establishing research units, centres and institutes
ICT Policy
Intellectual property
Laboratory policy of the University of Rwanda
Standard Operating Procedures
Statute governing the University of Rwanda students union
University of Rwanda students’welfare policy
University o f Rwanda careers and employability services policy
UR Alumni relations policy
UR Branding guidelines
UR Communication Policy
UR consultancy policy
UR Digital repository policy
UR Gender Policy
UR Library Policy
UR farm policy
UR staff benefits policy
Whistleblowing policy
Work from home
Reports & Documents
UR Annual Report 2017-18.
ICT Master Plan - Part 2
Innovation policy strategy
UR annual report_2020-2021
University of Rwanda facts&figures-march 2016
University of Rwanda ten years staff development plan
University of Rwanda graduate employability strategy
University of Rwanda solidarity_scholarship_scheme_-_procedures_for_selection_of_beneficiaries_final_version
UR 2018-2025 Strategic Plan
UR Fees Structure and other charges 2017-2018
UR Final annual report 2015-2016-241017
UR harmonized fees structure
Environmental and Social impact Assessment (ESIA) report for construction of PHASE II building for Center of Excellence for Biomedical Engineering and E-health project
Research Documents & Guidelines
Approved guidelines for application and selection of research_grants_in_priority_areas_of_vaccines_vihscm
Strategy to increase the production of quality and relevant research productivity at UR