

A welcome message from the University Librarian

Welcome to the University of Rwanda Library services, URLS. As the Largest Academic Library in Rwanda, we are a key partner in teaching, learning, research and innovation. We provide diverse and user-focused services and collections in an inviting, collaborative, and innovative learning environment across 14 UR Campuses.

By combining the latest information technology, the staff builds and maintains a rich information environment, facilitates access to it, and creates a place that functions as a hub of UR scholarly activity where students, academic staff and researchers meet to interact with librarians and expert staff, use collections and collaborate.

Whether you are a new student writing your first coursework, an academic staff or a graduate student exploring open access scholarly publishing options, or a visiting scholar, the librarians are ready to connect you with the materials you need and lend their expertise to help you leverage new technologies to their full advantage.

I hope the Libraries’ rich collections, inspiring spaces, and innovative services will help you achieve your academic goals and enrich your experience at UR.

Click here to access the UR Library’s website

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