Newly promoted full professors feted during the annual Professorial Inaugural Lectures

#MURANGWA Darius 31-07-2023

Seven (7) academic staff recently promoted to the rank of full professors were feted Friday last week. The ceremony dubbed “Professorial Inaugural Lectures” was an opportunity to showcase exciting and ground-breaking research and teaching being carried out by the newly promoted professors.

Frames showing 7 newly promoted full professors

Speaking on the occasion, the University Vice Chancellor Dr Kayihura Didace who presided over the event called on the newly promoted professors and the rest of UR community to redefine the University by amplifying its positive image to the global community. He added that each and every staff is expected to enhance the University image and position as a Centre of solutions to national problems and challenges.

“The staff are a driving force towards the advancement of the University ; it is a duty of everyone to contribute to its milestones,” said the Vice Chancellor

VC Dr Kayihura and DVC SPA Ndikumana delivering their remarks in the event

In the course of the event, each new Professor was allocated 10 minute time for introduction and brief presentation describing their research and academic contributions, in their respective fields, to academic peers, research collaborators.

In his remarks, Dr Raymond Ndikumana, the DVC for Strategic Planning and Administration noted that the Professorial Inaugural Lectures event is among the existing ambitions to recognize excellence, and promote positive culture within the University of Rwanda community.

Adding to the seven Full Professors, the University also welcomed seventeen (17) Associate Professors who also attended the event. On top of being an academic and scientific event, Professorial Inaugural Lectures are also a platform for celebrating a professor’s academic achievements with their family, friends, mentors and colleagues.

Participants in attendance