UR community briefed on Commonwealth opportunities ahead of CHOGM 2020

#MURANGWA Darius 09-03-2020

Friday 6th March 2020 ; UR students were taken through the Commonwealth opportunities mainly the scholarships to further their studies. The session was organized in line with the Commonwealth Day which is celebrated on 9th March. The event came at the right time as Rwanda is poised to host the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) slated in June in Kigali, Rwanda.

students were the majority among the participants

During this session, students got insights about Commonwealth and the benefits they are supposed to benefit from. The Commonwealth scholarship beneficiaries shared the experience and encouraged students to try these opportunities.

Emerance Umurerwa is one of the beneficiaries of the Commonwealth Scholarships. She pursued an online Master’s degree in Human Rights Law from Oxford University, England. She testified that it was a noble opportunity she couldn’t get unless through the Commonwealth scholarship.

Umurerwa while sharing her experience as commonwealth scholar

“With this scholarship, I have been able to study at the most reputable University as I continued my work”, she said.

She highlighted that perseverance is key to her success. Emerance won the scholarship which was competitive as the whole continent was allocated to only 40 sits. She was the only Rwandese to be admitted.
Students were taken through the whole process and were promised guidance during the application process.

In his remarks, Amb. Dr Charles Murigande, UR Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Institutional Advancement commended the organizing team of this session and emphasized that such sessions of educating students about Commonwealth and existing opportunities will keep on be organized.

Remarks by Amb. Dr Charles Murigande

“For Rwanda to be honored to host CHOGM meeting after few years of admission, it is a testimony of how much Rwanda is appreciated in achieving the Commonwealth objectives”, said Murigande.

He added that with UR being a member of the Commonwealth Universities Associations, “We entered to Common Wealth not only to benefit from it but also to contribute to its mandate”. With this association, UR gets visiting lecturers and students’ knowledge exchanges with those from other Common Wealth Universities.

The theme for CHOGM 2020 is ‘Delivering a Common Future : Connecting, Innovating, Transforming”. Ahead of the meeting, members of parliament, youth and gender activists, and representatives from civil society and business will meet at special forums to make sure the voices of women, young people, businesses and other organizations are heard at CHOGM.

A student during his intervention on the occasion

Story by
Jean Damascène NIYITEGEKA