UR host CEOs of partner institutions at a gala dinner


The University of Rwanda convened a gathering with its stakeholders to engage in substantive discussions, acknowledging their crucial role in the institution’s progress. This meeting coincided with the university’s major review, aimed at advancing its three strategic priorities : research, teaching and learning, and community engagement. The event revolved around the theme "enhancing stakeholders’ engagement towards the university we want."
During his opening speech, Vice Chancellor Prof Kayihura Muganga Didas highlighted the significance of the event in celebrating past achievements thanks to the stakeholders. He emphasized the importance of stakeholders’ insights, particularly during the university’s ongoing major structural review, for continuous improvement.

Conversations during the gathering focused on strategies for shaping "the university we want," a flagship institution aligning with Rwanda’s ambitions and aspirations.
Among the attendees was Stephen Ruzibiza, CEO of the Rwanda Private Sector Federation, who stressed the need for a forward-thinking university that anticipates industry needs.
Ruzibiza remarked, "From the private sector perspective, we can provide feedback to refine your existing commendable programs."

Since its establishment in 2013, the University of Rwanda has undergone significant reforms to enhance its structure and teaching quality. Over the past decade, notable achievements include graduating 72,408 students, an 86% increase in academic staff with PhD qualifications, and a 90% increase in professors. Additionally, research outputs in Web of Science indexed journals surged from 380 (between 1994 and 2013) to 2,476 (between 2014 and 2024).

The Education Minister, who presided over the event, praised the initiative as a platform for honest discussions on addressing job trends in various industries.
“There is potential in our universities, in partnerships, and in everyone.” Hon. Gaspard Twagirayezu.

The event also provided an opportunity to recognize and reward the top graduates from the previous year, acknowledging their outstanding performance throughout their academic journey.

Dr. Raymond Ndikumana, UR’s Deputy Vice Chancellor for Strategic Planning and Administration

Dr. Raymond Ndikumana, UR’s Deputy Vice Chancellor for Strategic Planning and Administration expressed pride in the university’s contributions to the country’s development. However, he emphasized the ongoing need for improved teaching quality and impactful research outputs to meet Rwanda’s current demands.

"We acknowledge that there is more we can and should do," Ndikumana stated. "Nevertheless, it’s a positive sign of progress that 25% of our top graduates secure employment within six months of graduating from our university."

A section for invited guests

Stephen Ruzibiza, CEO of the Rwanda Private Sector Federation

One outstanding graduate receiving her reward for her excellent performance. From left ; VC Prof Kayihura, Hon. Minister Twagirayezu and Mireille Karera (the 1st on right)

Participants pose for a group photo