Academic Senate
- 30-10-2018
- 62
The Academic Senate is the senior organ responsible for academic affairs, research, and education in UR.
The responsibilities of the Academic Senate are the following :
• To determine norms and standards for students admissions, evaluation, recruitment of teaching and research staff and their promotions ;
• To take decisions relating to the results of the students, their promotion, repetition, or dismissal ;
• To prepare the records for the Board of Governors in connection with the recruitment of teaching staff and research, their promotion, the scoring, penalties and dismissal ;
• To approve the curricula of each College and their teaching methodology ;
• To examine the publications of academic staff and researchers of UR ;
• To examine decisions of the Academic Council of each College and submit a report to the Board of Governors of UR ;
• To control the activities of the Academic Councils of each College of UR.
Membership of Academic Senate
The Academic Senate is composed of the following persons :
• The Vice-Chancellor
• The Deputy Vice-Chancellors of UR ;
• The Principals of Colleges of UR ;
• A Dean from each College elected by the Deans of that College ;
• The Registrar of UR ;
• An academic staff from each College, elected by peers ;
• A student from each College elected by peers.