


The Office of Resources Mobilization is mandated to undertake and implement all activities related to resources mobilization in relation to the overall strategic plan of the University of Rwanda. It also coordinates University’s efforts towards the sustainable financing of its programs and operations. The office has under its jurisdiction to design a plan that reviews the University’s funding patterns, provides guidelines and proposes strategies for mobilizing resources to support the implementation of the University’s strategic plan for the period 2016-25 and the ultimate fulfillment of its vision and mission. In addition, the Office advocates for the efficient use of available resources while working on strategies to secure new and additional resources with a view to filling the gap of external funding challenges. The office, therefore, strives to create the institutional capacity and capability to generate sustainable alternative sources of funding.


Over the past years, there has been a reduction of public funding to higher learning institutions in Rwanda, while the demand for student enrolment continues to grow. It is evident that operational costs (recurrent expenditures) as well as capital costs (development expenditures) are on the increase while the financial sources and revenues are declining in real terms. Therefore, the resources gap is widening, and additional financial resources are needed to expedite recurrent and development activities for the University’s Strategic Plan. In addition, UR is charged with advancing knowledge, conducting research and consultancy, and community service. All these activities require resources, which are currently, mainly received from sources outside the University (international agencies and government). These resources are currently insufficient to meet the University’s needs. For effective and efficient operations, more sources of funds as well as ways to cut costs must be explored.

The University is committed to radically improve and deliver on teaching, research and consultancy, and community services. The Resources Mobilization Office is established to fill the resource gaps that exist in the University. The aim is to ensure that the University keeps good relationships with all the stakeholders especially its key funders and mobilizes other financial resources from within and outside the University through different services. There are unexploited sources of income in different Colleges and these should be coordinated to maximise income for the University.

Functions of the Office

The overall functions of the office are to develop the resource mobilization strategy which is incorporated into the University overall strategic plan. This will assist to maximize University potential and also strengthen its resources mobilization efforts through :

Diversifying and expanding its resources base in supporting the achievement of the strategic plan’s goals and overall growth of the University
Identifying and analyzing the resources available for the program priorities, policies and efficient budget allocation Understanding the University’s current donor funding landscape, resources availability and support commitment, and Maximizing use of internally generated income so as to expand deep relations with stakeholders.

For more information : Click here to download and view the University of Rwanda Resource Mobilization Strategy and Implementation Plan

Other key documents for the Office

List of Projects operating in the University at present
List of Signed MoUs with different Institutions

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