UR host PASET benchmarking workshop in a move to create awareness about data management skills


The University of Rwanda hosted the 2nd PASET Regional Benchmarking Capacity Building Workshop. The 3 day workshop was organized in collaboration with African Virtual University-AVU under The Korea - World Bank Partnership Facility-KWPF. Participants discussed the role of data and use of Technology in higher education sector and government agencies in the digital economy.

Prof Phil Cotton who welcomed delegates in the workshop called on educationalists in attendance to use available data for the benefit of the community and most importantly helping young people to become the very best people in world and achieve their highest potential. According to Prof Cotton who is UR Vice Chancellor, universities sit on huge amount of data but the ability to manage and use them for the benefits of universities and wider community is still limited.

Prof Cotton’s opening remarks in PASET Regional Benchmarking workshop

“Today is an occasion to look on our huge amount of data and start manipulating and harness it to our benefit” Cotton said.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr Ekua Bentil, the World Bank education specialist stressed on the need to ensure that available data makes sense in the context of African region. Bentil noted that the overall objective of the workshop is to build capacities in the universities and national agencies and encourage higher learning institutions to strengthen data collection and its use.

Dr Ekua Bentil, the World Bank education specialist

This workshop was organized following the alarming issue of institutional data management in Sub Saharan Africa-SSA institutions. It is expected to increased awareness of the significance and the use of data in higher education as a planning and management tool and enhance its role in the digital economy. It will also improve understanding of the challenges and best practices in institutional data management in SSA HEIs along with possible solutions.

A section of participants in the workshop