Student Registration
- 26-10-2018
- 476933
Students’ welfare office
All the University campuses have got students’ welfare offices managed by Directors of Students’ Welfare. These are University staff members who are in charge of ensuring that welfare needs for the students are met. These are important offices in terms of providing services related to students’ welfare. Students should not hesitate to access such office in case of any needs related to students’ welfare matters.
In a situation when a student dies or disappears, the University/Campus management through the office of the Students’ Welfare has the duty to make a follow up and ensures that facilitation is provided accordingly. In case of any need for any services related to students with disability, each campus has got Students’ Welfare office from which students can be helped. Students in question are strongly advised to be in touch with that office.
Students’ welfare focuses on the wellbeing of the students including achieving happiness through caring and providing necessary services to the students. For this to happen, there is a need for combined efforts of not only academic staff but also support staff and the general University management. This is very important because it promotes teaching and learning situation, which is the primary goal of every student.
In terms of leadership, students at the University of Rwanda are represented by students’ body called University of Rwanda Students Union (URSU). This body brings together all the students of UR by representing its members at all levels of leadership both in UR and outside UR. It defends the interests of its members in matters pertaining to teaching and learning and social welfare. URSU is composed of different organs that include ; Guild Representative Council, Board of Speakers, URSU Executive Committee and Arbitration Committee. The University has guild representatives in each and every campus.
Guild offices
Each campus of the University of Rwanda has got a guild office. This is an office that handles a lot of students’ issues without involving the University administration unless otherwise. Its doors are open for all the students in case of any need for help. It’s important to note that there is an overall UR Guild Presidents’ office adjacent to VC’s office at UR HQ. Matters related to its full function and election processes can be found in the URSUS constitution.
Restaurants/Food Kiosks
All UR Campuses have got restaurants/food kiosks where students can find food, snacks, tea, milk, drinking water and soft drinks in general except at Rusizi Campus. However, these can be accessed by students privately on commercial basis. Rusizi campus is also in the process of putting in place similar services, as soon as possible.
Like any other educational institution, the University of Rwanda administers Continuous Assessment Tests (CATs) and Examinations when it is due time. Students are expected to pay maximum attention to examination rules and regulations that are emphasized on during briefings prior to sit for the said examinations.
International students
International students can easily access University of Rwanda education. Such students are given a warm welcome and can easily get mixed up with the local students. They are given guidance on Visa issues, student life at the University, weather conditions in the country, accommodation related issues, and a full package of their necessities in general.
UR is committed to developing support systems for international students, which shall be designed and implemented to make the study-in-Rwanda for foreign students, an easy, enjoyable and enriching experience from application all the way through to graduation.
Religious beliefs
The university embraces people of all beliefs and none. There are many groups you can join to celebrate and grow together. Some faiths have local faith leaders who work with student groups on campuses. You are encouraged to join these groups.
URSDF, the “University of Rwanda Students’ Development Fund” was established to assist and support needy students to solve some of the issues that confront them. Needy students are required to apply for it and there is a committee in charge of analyzing whether the candidate meets the requirements to be assisted. Students apply through the office of the DVC-IA.
Library services
Each campus of the University of Rwanda has got a library. Students have got free access to library services especially for research purposes. All the libraries have got relevant staff to help library users during the specified working hours.
UR Website
The University of Rwanda website ( is one of the communication tools that the University uses to disseminate information not only to the public but also to its internal community.
On this website, there is availability of different information about the six UR Colleges, current University news, announcements, opportunities, University policies, rules and regulations to mention but a few. Students are advised to visit the website regularly to remain updated.
Public talks
In its programs, the University reserved all Wednesdays from 3pm to 5pm for public talks except during holidays, tests and examinations. During such talks, students and staff are supposed to attend, learn and share experience with the rest. Either university staff or invited guests can deliver public talks according for all to benefit. The talks are always free and open for students. Students are advised to be attending as it is an opportunity to share and acquire knowledge.
UR Registrar’s office
This office is found at UR Headquarter. This is one of the important offices of the University in as far as students’ academic life is concerned. It is the one that deals with students’ registration to the University, selection of the students to the University, allocation of courses of study to undergraduates, to mention but a few. Students are advised to access and seek help from this office on matters related to entering the University for Academic Studies.