Dr. Nkurunziza Joseph


Dr. Joseph Nkurunziza serves as the Acting Principal of the College of Business and Economics at the University of Rwanda. He is also a Lecturer in the department of Applied Statistics.

Dr. Joseph Nkurunziza is Statistician with a broad interest in Applied Statistics for economics, policy analysis and development planning. He holds a PhD degree in International Development Studies from Utrecht University - The Netherlands in 2015 and a Master’s Degree in Applied Statistics ; from Catholic University of Louvain-la Neuve, Belgium in 2007. In various professional trainings, he has been trained on Financial programming and Policies, Complex sample survey analysis, Quality Supervision on Postgraduate Studies, Impact evaluation.
Prior to his current position and teaching duties, he has been active in a variety of administrative and academic positions at University level : he served as the Dean of the school of Economics from December 2020 to December 2022, Vice-dean, Academic Secretary, NPT-053 Project Coordinator and the Coordinator of Evening program.

Dr. Joseph Nkurunziza has served on the Board of Directors of Imanzi Investment Company Ltd, Ecole Internationale des Parents de Butare (EIPB) and was the Chairperson of Board of Directors of Caisse d’Entraide de Butare (CEB). He participated in various conferences and consultancies related to development planning.

Dr. Joseph Nkurunziza worked as a Bank Manager at Bank’s People at its Branch of Kacyiru (Kigali-Rwanda) before joining the National University of Rwanda as Assistant Lecturer in Department of Economics in December 2002. He worked with Population, Reproductive Health and Economic Development (PopDev) project. Based on logistic models, Generalised Ordered Logit analysis, multilevel approach, Heckprobit models and Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID) analysis, he analyzed the impact of the Rwandan Policy on education (free education), social security (Community Based Health Insurance, VUP, Girinka program) and rural development (land use consolidation) on Human Capital Development.

Dr. Joseph Nkurunziza participated in the development of different national initiatives and policies regarding education, social security and rural development. In 2018, he completed an “Assessment of Rwanda’s Financial Sector as a Source of Finance of Economic Growth" for Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN) and National Bank for Rwanda (BNR). In February 2019, he produced the National Environmental Statistics Compendium for Rwanda for the Rwanda Environment Authority (REMA).

Currently, under the support of African Center of Excellence in Data Science, he is part of the

academic team assessing the retirement plans and strategies for the wellbeing of the retirees in Rwandan context.

Office Location : Huye Campus
E-mail : principal.cbe@ur.ac.rw
Telephone : 0788331816

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