Fundamental life based on a good justice


UR Centre for Conflict Management staff and stakeholders gathered in a seminar series to discuss over Access to Justice Bureaus in playing a significant role in resolving conflicts for sustainable peace. It took place at UR Gikondo Campus, on 28th April 2022.

In the discussions conducted it was disclosed that CCM offers a more nuanced view of the function of accessible justice in resolving conflicts and hence promoting long-term peace. As a result, it fills a knowledge gap in the literature on post-conflict access to justice and peacebuilding.

In this seminar, some objectives are guided to the study of the role of access to justice bureaus to build sustainable peacebuilding. There was a need to look into why Access to Justice Bureaus was necessary, assess the impact of Access to Justice Bureaus in Rwanda and see if there is a link between their work and long-term peacebuilding in Rwanda.

In his presentation, Gasana John Gasasira, a CCM Staff and PhD student at the University of Nairobi under the UR Sweden program reveals the theory of negative and positive peace. In his remarks, he said that the negative peace is the absence of violence, absence of war, and positive peace is the integration of human society." I was inspired by this theory because justice is one of the fundamental lives without which you cannot enjoy positive peace, when there is no justice in the long run, the society elapses into the conflict," said Gasasira.

The establishment of long-term peace through mediation, legal representation, legal education, and the enforcement of court decisions is to advocate for a society that avoids conflict. As talked through, the findings of the research imply that the presence of accessible justice institutions plays an important role in settling conflicts and ensuring long-term peace.

Story by Ntawulikura Rosine, Intern in UR Communication Department