International Peace week kicked off at UR-Huye Campus

#MURANGWA Darius 11-12-2019

Under the support of UR-Sweden Programme, the University of Rwanda Centre for Conflict Management (CCM) kicked off the Peace Week event at Huye Campus, one of the nine campuses of the University of Rwanda. The event featured several activities including debates on the role and experience of civil society, Rwandan youth in peace promotion, Unity and reconciliation for sustainable peace to mention but a few.

Participants in the lecture during Peace Week
In his opening remarks, Dr Alphonse Muleefu made a reference to recent Rwandan history mainly the Genocide against Tutsi and noted that Rwandans know the value of peace given peace threats they experienced in the past years. Muleefu who is the Principle of the College of Arts and Social Sciences (UR-CASS) also called upon young people to put their efforts into activities that promote peace.

International Peace week event attracted different University officials including Prof Phil Cotton, the UR Vice Chancellor. Speaking on the occasion, Cotton urged students as tomorrow’s country leaders to serve well the society with love and justice. He also asked participants to demonstrate kindness because, according to him, real peace starts from ones hearts.

The UR Vice Chancellor joined participants in Peace week