Kwibuka 25 : The country is built on a very strong pillar- Gen. Kabarebe tells CST community in the Night Vigil

#MURANGWA Darius 11-04-2019

In memory and honour of the victims of the Genocide against the Tutsi, the University of Rwanda-College of Science and Technology and neighbouring community stood together in a walk to remember that was followed by a night vigil at Nyarugenge Campus.

The walk reached to Ste Famille Parish where Dr Ignace Gatare followed by Prof Phil Cotton, UR Vice chancellor laid a wreath on the Genocide monument in memory and honour of over ten thousand Tutsi killed at the parish during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr Ignace Gatare, the Principal of the College of Science and Technology asked CST community as intellectuals to lead the line in organizing commemoration activities and ensure that the country doesn’t repeat its tragic history.

Dr Ignace Gatare (L) and Prof Phil Cotton laying a wreath on Genocide monument at Ste Famille Parish

“The country will be built on capacity, knowledge and skills of its citizens” Said Gatare

Among the prominent speakers on the occasion included Gen. James Kabarebe. During his allocation, he briefly put the audience through the struggle proceeding of former Rwanda Patriotic Army-RPA. He said that RPA was outweighed both in ammunition and number of soldiers and couldn’t in normal circumstances defeat the military power of the former regime that orchestrated the Genocide. According to him, the victory was underpinned by the fact that RPA had a clear struggle ideology, and good cause which, in the beginning was to liberate the oppressed but turned into stopping genocide when killings of innocent people began.

Gen. Kabarebe noted that governments prior to the Genocide had deliberately created a state of hopeless, ignorance and extreme poverty among the population and therefore luring them into hatred, killings and Genocide was much easier.

He further told participants in the night vigil that no one is a beneficiary of Genocide and therefore it is the responsibility of all Rwandans to fight against genocide ideology and denial. He also assured that the country is now in safe hands and cannot be destabilized.

Gen. Kabarebe delivering his message during the night vigil

“The country is built on a very stronger pillar that cannot be vulnerable to genocide any more” He added.

In his remarks, Hon. Wellars Gasamagera called on students to make use of social media and tell the truth about the real history of Rwanda and disrupt fake news that are cascaded by ill-intentioned people. The call was made during his presentation titled “Unity of the Rwandans in the rebuilding of Rwanda after the Genocide, fighting Genocide ideology and building a correct vision for the Country

Hon. Gasamagera’s address to participants at CST

Prior to night vigil and walk to remember, Christian Mutabazi, a student at Nyarugenge campus presented a poster that shows three stages that marked the period before, during and after Genocide. It was noted that the first and second republics promoted divisionism and hatred among the populations which paved the way to Genocide. During the Genocide, the country was reduced to ashes while the aftermath of Genocide symbolizes its rebirth.

Poster presentation by Mutabazi