UR School of Mining and Geology kicks off its 4th edition of mining week

#MURANGWA Darius 01-12-2021

This week from November 29th to December 4th, 2021, under the theme “Responsible mining for proper working conditions and environment protection”, the UR school of Mining and Geology has organized several outreach activities aiming at raising awareness about environmental protection. These include campaigns to teach mining workforce on mine safety and occupational health, donation of 1000 health insurance to the population around the mines, planting 10,000 bamboos to the selected mines.

A section of participants during the official opening of mining week

During the exhibition Mr. Simpenzwe Leonidas, the Vice Chairman of Rwanda mining association, emphasized on how great and accurate the elements were put together in different projects that were illustrating on the extract of minerals by keeping a green and healthy environment, the prediction of natural calamities and the danger of illegal mining. He kept on reminding the students that they still have a long way to go but that they were on the right truck.

Principal of CST Dr Ignace Gatare showcasing some of achievements by the School

“Have you ever seen a dream in your life, I am seeing my dream becoming a reality. Ten years ago I could not dream about seeing students attending trainings and organizing events on geology but now it is happening”, said Mr. Leonidas simpenzwe, Vice Chairman of Rwanda Mining Association.

In addition, Simpenzwe highlighted the importance of annual mining week for the association members since it will include visiting the communities that were affected by natural calamities for the students to get a better experience and understanding on the carrier they are going to pursue.

The program is aiming at urging the students in UR mining and geology to sustain the development of the Rwanda’ s mining sector by sharing to the community the skills and bits of knowledge got from the university.

Students from the School of Mining and Geology showing activities done

Story by
Alida Ngabonziza (Intern in Communication Department)