UR bids farewell to Prof Nelson Ijumba, former DVC academics and research

#MURANGWA Darius 21-01-2020

Yesterday, Prof. Nelson Ijumba, former Deputy vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Research handed over office duties to Dr Emile Bienvenu in colorful ceremony in which the outgoing was cheered for his exquisite performance during his tenure. Prof. Ijumba has been serving the University for six years-since the inception of the University of Rwanda.

Staff present a gift to the Prof Ijumba’s

In the course of the farewell ceremony, staff expressed a fulfilling feeling to work with Nelson and noted that he has been an upper hand in what the University of Rwanda has achieved so far. It was also witnessed that Prof Nelson has been championing the team spirit among staff which was a key to overcome some of the challenges that the University went through in early stages of its inception.

Speaking on the occasion, Prof Nelson Ijumba stated that UR has made tremendous achievements due to a responsible people driven by a teamwork spirit towards excellence.

Prof Ijumba with wife while delivering his remarks

“We should congratulate our serves because UR reached a point where it cannot go back” Nelson said while expressing his appreciation to the Government of Rwanda that entrusted him to take up one of the highest and challenging office.

The incoming Ag. DVC Dr Emile Bienvenu took over office with extensive experience in academic and leadership positions. He has been serving as the Director of University Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship also doubling as the senior lecturer in the College of Medicine and Health Sciences. Previously, Bienvenu served as the Chairperson to the Board of Directors of RSB (Rwanda Standards Board) and also a Board member of Rwanda Military Hospital.

Dr Emile (L) and Prof Ijumba during handover ceremony

Participants in the farewell dinner