University of Rwanda holds mini-graduation ; over 300 graduate

#MURANGWA Darius 07-11-2021

At least 333 students were feted during the University of Rwanda end of year Graduation. The ceremony took place this Friday, November 5th 2021 in Huye at UR’s historic campus. This particular graduation was organized with the purpose to award certificates and confer degree honours to students who for one reason or another could not make it during the main graduation held in August this year. Constraints related to COVID-19, particularly the disruption of the smooth roll out of the normal academic calendar by the pandemic, are majorly responsible for the delayed graduation.

Prof Lyambabaje’s remarks during graduation

All the 333 are from the University of Rwanda’s six colleges. Out of this total, 133 will be awarded undergraduate degrees, while 200 will be awarded postgraduate academic honours that include doctoral degrees, masters, diplomas and certificates.

Speaking on the occasion, the University of Rwanda Vice Chancellor Prof Alexandre Lyambabaje asked graduates to never shy away from Challenges. According to him, the University of Rwanda expect graduates to be more than ordinary citizens who will go out and grab all opportunities available.

“You will be judged on deliverables in terms of output, productivity, positive social engagement and empathy,” said Prof Lyambabaje.

In her remarks while conferring degrees to graduands, the UR Chancellor Ms Patricia Campbell also challenged graduates to use the resilience they have learned to make the most of their opportunities.

“The future is uncertain but we know that you the graduates from 2021 will be challenges to save our environment and to make the world a better place,” Campbell said.

The graduation was held in Huye Campus auditorium

The College of Arts and Social Sciences boasted the highest number of graduates with 117 received their degrees. It was followed by the College of Business and Economics with 83. The College of Science and Technology has 70 graduates, while 33 are from the Musanze based (Busogo) College of Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine. Both the College of Education and the College of Medicine and Health Sciences had the fewest graduates, with 19 and 11 respectively.

The decision to organize the upcoming mini graduation was based on the desire to offer level playing ground to all finishing students who wound up their studies in 2021 to celebrate their hard work in a single year. The intention is to do whatever it takes on UR’s part to maximise everyone’s chances of moving on with employment or further studies.