What is the life like for an architecture student at UR- A story of Danny Girineza

#MURANGWA Darius 12-01-2023

Joining a University is often a daunting but a joyful experience as students get a unique opportunity to gain necessary skills to deal with and overcome the challenges of everyday life. We caught up with Girineza Maniraho Danny who shared with us his keen interest to join the university and prospects as he edges closer to the completion of his bachelor’s degree. He is in year five ; the final year in Architecture Department, School of Architecture and Built Environment.

Girineza in the school’s exhibition room where different architectural designs are showcased

In his remarks, Giraneza noted that he developed an interest in architecture when he was still a child as he liked observing different architecture and buildings and others things related to the Science and Technology.

“I used to look at different building infrastructure with innovative and creative mindset ; things that I observed and thought could have been done better,” he recalled.

The department of Architecture allows students to explore knowledge in the area of design and architecture by using different tools and equipments for practice. According to Giraneza, with architecture, a student is equipped with practical knowledge and science behind various architecture related aspects.

“Architecture is a broad discipline touching different designs and infrastructure construction such as schools, hospital, church, roods ; all these require science and technology skills” He said.

Giraneza further testified that his motivation to join architecture was geared towards providing solutions to society through doing fundamental research in architecture field. For instance, with much effort he reckons, proper architectural designs can address the overcrowding issue that the country is facing. He added that modern infrastructure is paramount for Rwanda sustainable development.

Among his research projects, he demonstrated the way the use of local material can express local identity by specifying the user-centered design. In this research, he explored the existing local materials, how they are used and the perception the architects have towards them. He recommended mechanisms to approach designs that embrace local materials and hence cultivate local identify.

His current research is based on the architectural design of Richard Kandt Museum. Giraneza attested that he opted to work on it, to clearly show people the originality of that museum. He says, his research will show ways to adapt the museum architectural design into a modern building by using available materials with less cost.

This, he added will teach people like youth to have self confidence in their works while availing information about the museum which will connect people with their past history. He finally added that his current project will reduce the effects of climatic change by educating people how to reduce carbon emissions.

Girineza is in final year in Architecture Department

His ambition after undergraduate studies is to continue doing research in the field of architecture because according to him, research is the source of knowledge and skills.

“My ambition is to expand my studies up to doctoral level ; I want to become one of reputable architects that people would look up to,” he concluded.

The Richard Kandt Museum- Architectural design which inspired Igiraneza’s research project

Story by
Eric Twagirayezu
Intern in Communication Department